Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator Steps

Personal Information
Your Personal Details
Please provide a valid Reference Number.
Looks good!
Looks good!
Please select your valid employement status.
Please select yout valid living situation.
Your Address Details
Household Information
Household Income
Income Type Customer Income (Per Month) Partner Income (Per Month)
Other Income
Jobseeker's Allowance
Child Benefit
*DLA, PIP or Attendance Allowance
Other Benefits
Total Income £0.00 £0.00

Total Monthly Household Income : £0.00

Fixed Costs
Expenditure Type £ Per month
Secured Loans
Council Tax
TV Licence
Care and Health Costs
School Costs
Transport and Travel
Child Maintenance or Support
Hire Purchase
Personal Payments and Life Insurance
Total £0.00
Food and Housekeeping
Expenditure Type £ Per month
Nappies and Baby Items
School Meals / Meals at Work
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Smoking Products
Vet Bills and Pet Insurance
House Repairs and Maintenance
Total £0.00
Communications and Leisure
Expenditure Type £ Per month
Phone / Internet / TV Package
Mobile Phone
Hobbies, Leisure or Sport
Pocket Money
Newspapers, Magazines and Postage
Total £0.00
Personal Costs
Expenditure Type £ Per month
Clothing and Footwear
Total £0.00

Total Expenditure : £0.00

Priority Bill Arrears
Arrears Amount (£) Arrears Monthly Payment (£)
Mortgage / Rent
Council Tax
TV Licence
Secured Loans / HP
Total Arrears £0.00 £0.00

Total Expenditure : £0.00

Information So Far
Let's look at the information you have provided so far:
Your Household

Within your household there are:

  • Adults
  • Children
  • Vehicles
Total Income

Total monthly household income:


Total Expenses

Total monthly exponses are:

£.00 made up of:

  • £.00 (Fixed Costs)
  • £.00 (Food / Housekeeping)
  • £.00 (Other)
You Pay

You pay a total of:


per month to priority creditors.

Which leaves you with £.00 per month to pay your other creditors

Other Bills / Debts
Name of Creditor Balance Owed (£) Monthly Payment Amount (£)
Total Debts Total Monthly Payments
Priority Creditors £8.00 £5.00
Other Creditors £0.00 £0.00
Total £8.00 £5.00

Left Over Income: £115.00

Repayment Options
Your Personal Details
Additional Information
Your Personal Details

Please use this box to advise us of anything else you think we need to be aware of when considering your payment offer and financial circumstances. If you think your circumstances are likely to improve or worsen in the future, you should put the reasons and likely timescales (for e.g. loss of work, expect to have new job within 3 months).

Health / Medical

Please use the box below to let us know of any health issues or medical conditions that may affect your ability to deal with your finances or the way we interact with you.

Contact Information

Please enter your email address here to receive:

  • confirmation of receipt of your information.
  • so that we can ensure a swift reply.

Please provide any of the home contact or telephone number:

Nearly there!

Thank You for your precious time

Your Household

Within your household there are:

  • 5 Adults
  • 4 Children
  • 2 Vehicles
Total Income

Total monthly household income:


Total Expenses

Total monthly exponses are:

£76.00 made up of:

  • £48.00 (Fixed Costs)
  • £10.00 (Food / Housekeeping)
  • £10.00 (Other)
You Pay

You pay a total of:


per month to priority creditors.

This leaves you with £00.00 per month

You have now told us everything we need to know about your current circumstances & your contact preferences. This information helps us to ensure we provide the best possible service to you, our customer.

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